Category: Self Sufficiency


MOCHA SOAP RECIPE Making soap at home is a satisfying, inexpensive way to provide for your family’s needs or create wonderful gifts for your friends. You can make soap using a kit, but making it from scratch enables you to choose your own ingredients and customize the soap to fit your needs.This is a wonderful soap …

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Ultimate Guide to Canning Fruits

Ultimate Guide to Canning Fruits There are two basic types of canners: ‘water bath’ for high acid foods like jams, fruit and tomatoes, and ‘pressure canners’ for low acid foods like most vegetables, meat and fish. Canning fruits is the easiest and possibly most rewarding way to begin learning how to home can. Since fruit is …

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8 Easy Crock Pot Freezer Meals

8 Easy Crock Pot Freezer Meals There’s one thing you can do if you have a crock pot, as suggested by Mommy’s Fabulous Finds: prepare eight meals in advance, put it in the freezer, and when it’s time to cook them, just stick it in the slow cooker in the morning. When dinner time comes, …

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Why Heirloom Seeds & Veggies Matter

Why Heirloom Seeds & Veggies Matter Standard seed packets are often hybrids but not necessarily and are usually not organic (organic seeds cost more) organic seeds as you know are collected from plants that have been grown organically (without artificial fertilizers and pesticides etc). hybrid seeds are from crossing different varieties to come up with a new …

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Farmer’s Cheese – Easiest Homemade Cheese Recipe

Farmer’s Cheese – Easiest Homemade Cheese Recipe All Farmer’s Cheeses are made by combining milk with an acid and heating it until the curds separate from the whey. The curds are then drained to remove the whey, and salt may be added at the end. But that’s where the similarities end! Farmer’s cheese is a simple, …

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