Category: Self Sufficiency

50+ Fantastic Ways To Re-Use Baby Food Jars

50+ Fantastic Ways To Re-Use Baby Food Jars If you have a baby, you’ve probably got quite a collection of empty baby food jars. By the time recycling day rolls around, your bin will be overflowing with these little glass jars. It seems pretty wasteful that those dainty containers are only used for such a …

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21 Practical Ways To Use Gabions On The Homestead

21 Practical Ways To Use Gabions On The Homestead Ever used the term “gabion wall”? Sounds a little strange but it’s basically just the marriage between rocks and wire. These two simple materials are very familiar and, taken separately, they can be very useful and versatile when it comes to DIY projects. Gabions are a …

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Slow Cooker Hacks Every Busy Family Should Use

Slow Cooker Hacks Every Busy Family Should Use I love slow cooker hacks and tips that can help you use it to it’s fullest potential! And I REALLY love using my slow cooker all through the year! The idea of cooking, without really “cooking”… you know what I mean? But did you know that there …

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33 Canning and Preserving Tips from Experienced Home Canners

33 Canning and Preserving Tips from Experienced Home Canners Some people are lucky enough to have grandparents or parents who are canners, and that can make learning to can a cinch! There’s a long list of reasons to take up home canning: the thrift of preserving home-grown and local produce, the pride of self-sufficiency, the ecological …

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25 Sewing Hacks that Will Change Your Life

25 Sewing Hacks that Will Change Your Life   Let’s face it, probably almost all of us have things to learn and things to work on in our sewing, so today I’ve got a list of 25 hacks and tips to give you a little help a long the way! Sewing is a craft that …

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