How to Waterproof Matches for Camping Waterproof matches are more expensive than regular matches but you shouldn’t go camping or on an outdoor adventure without them. If you consider that buying waterproof matches is not an investment you are willing to make then you should learn how to make waterproof matches in your own home. The next …
Category: Self Sufficiency
How to Quickly Repair A Broken Zipper
How to Quickly Repair A Broken Zipper Zippers are awesome inventions that make getting in and out of clothing easy and fast. When a zipper breaks, it is good and truly broken – right? Maybe not! Sharon over at has shared a handy trick to easily fixing that broken zipper so you can wear …
Creative Uses of Onion as Natural Home Remedies
Creative Uses of Onion as Natural Home Remedies The overuse of antibiotics has become a modern-day epidemic. Try utilizing natural foods and herbs to ditch the Pharma meds for good! Close relatives, onions and garlic contain antibacterial properties. Both foods have been used to treat everything from minor illness to major disease and inflammation, both internally …
50 Raw Food Recipes
50 Raw Food Recipes Ever since your mom force-fed you broccoli, you’ve realized that raw, unprocessed foods are good for your body—and your waistline. You will find tasty recipes on this site with lots of raw food menu suggestions. You’ll find over 50 healthy raw food recipes in the following categories: – Breakfast, – Lunch; …
20 Amazing Uses For Soap You Never Thought Of
20 Amazing Uses For Soap You Never Thought Of The problem with a lot of brand name soaps is that they’re over-processed with an unnatural number of chemical products. Some of them are also tested on animals, and really do more harm than good. Bigger corporations try to save money by sacrificing safety for a …