Category: Self Sufficiency

Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals

Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals Some of the herbs, plants and weeds that grow in your garden contain medicinal properties and can be used to help treat a number of illnesses, injuries and ailments. Using herbs seem like a much better alternative in most cases and  Common sense home has some great info for using herb and …

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44 Cheap And Easy Ways To Organize Your RV/Camper

44 Cheap And Easy Ways To Organize Your RV/Camper Whether you’re traveling as a couple with the family dog, or you’re hosting the kids and grandkids on an all-family camping extravaganza, it’s easy to make mistakes in how you pack, what you carry and how you store things. Those mistakes can lead to less-than-pleasant outcomes. …

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39 Ways to Make Money Homesteading

39 Ways to Make Money Homesteading The term homesteading does not have mean living off the land out in the sticks. Anyone with property that can be effectively utilized can homestead. One thing that is interesting about homesteading is making money from your efforts. There are many ways that you can make money homesteading. Whether …

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Why Make Homemade Soap?

Why Make Homemade Soap? Most manufacturers care more about their bottom line and how to increase their profit than care about the health benefits to your skin. Making your own soap at home is easy, frugal, creative and fulfilling. There’s something really marvellous about taking a bar of your own homemade soap into the bath or …

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7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today

7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today If you’re new to prepping, don’t go into panic mode, but do get a jump start on your preps with this beginning prepping tutorial. Bookmark this article and get starting prepping today. Being prepared consists of 3 things: Skills to make your self reliant and able to deal …

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