Category: Self Sufficiency

How to Go Green Without Going Broke

How to Go Green Without Going Broke I have a really hard time paying extra money for anything natural. Cost is, and will almost always be, my number one concern. I really have to love a product and be convinced of it’s benefits to bypass the cheapest brand for something more expensive. “Going green” takes time, and …

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Essentials For Your 72 hr Bug Out Bag

Essentials For Your 72 hr Bug Out Bag The subject of bugging out and bug out bags (some preppers refer to this kit as a bug out backpack) is a popular one and for good reason, disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes , flash floods or other natural disaster, could force survivors to “head for the …

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All-Natural Chest Rub Bars

All-Natural Chest Rub Bars Did you know commercial vapor rubs are typically petroleum based and add camphor which has been synthetically derived from the oil of turpentine and menthol, which is typically synthetically made. So I was able to find several recipes for homemade vapor rubs, but I wasn’t too crazy about any one in …

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50 Things You Can Do To Save Money On Groceries

50 Things You Can Do To Save Money On Groceries Saving money is not easy and you need to know exactly where you can save so that you are never sacrificing on the various necessities that you and your family need. With the cost of everything constantly rising we’re all looking for ways we can …

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Grow Your Own Endless Supply of Potatoes

Grow Your Own Endless Supply of Potatoes “This super easy afternoon project can end up feeding you and your family for weeks and only requires minimal care. What’s even better is that this potato tower can last throughout the growing season. Start one tower in spring to have potatoes through the summer, another in the …

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