17 Truly Amazing Wall Decorations Made Of Reclaimed Wood If the multitude of projects on Pinterest and Etsy are any indication, reclaimed wall art is definitely a growing trend. While I appreciate the rustic feel of wood pallet signs, I’m not necessarily a huge fan of the price tag. Some pieces cost more than $100 …
Category: Self Sufficiency
How to Propagate Herbs
How to Propagate Herbs It means that you can have a self-sustaining site; you can preserve local, indigenous and heirloom species, and cut the cost of buying seeds, seedlings or new plants. There are a variety of plant propagation tools and methods; from taking cuttings to layering to dividing and more. The technique you select will …
19 Surprisingly Awesome DIY Garden Decorations
19 Surprisingly Awesome DIY Garden Decorations Does your garden need a little refreshment? If you have no idea of how of upgrade your garden and add some life in it, not to worry. We found these awesome DIY Garden Decoration Ideas to solve your problem. Its always fun to make creative and unique outdoor garden …
20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items
20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items Every year, when spring cleaning comes around, many of us gather up our old used stuff and simply throw it out. Sometimes, trash is simply trash, but we often fail to realize that a lot of the things that we throw out can be transformed …
29 Brilliant Summer Hacks For Parents
29 Brilliant Summer Hacks For Parents Rising temperatures and rising tempers don’t make for a good combination. Thankfully, a little ingenuity will go a long way to take the edge off summer parenting. Every parent knows how much hard work goes into creating easy, lazy summer days! These tips, tricks, ideas and bits of advice …