How To Make Fire Using A Lemon If you are out in the woods, either trekking or camping, you better make sure that you are equipped with survival stuff. However, if you have forgotten anything, you can always turn to nature. Here is a simple science experiment which shows you how you can create fire …
Category: Self Sufficiency
7 Clever Root Vegetable Drawers and Bins for the Kitchen
7 Clever Root Vegetable Drawers and Bins for the Kitchen Growing your own food can be very rewarding, especially during the summer months when veggies can be washed, cooked and on the table the very same day they’re picked (nothing fresher than that!). Many of us store foods like potatoes, onions, garlic and ginger root in …
DIY Mason Jar Hanger
DIY Mason Jar Hanger Does anyone else have an obsession with mason jars? I don’t know what it is about them…but they are just so freakin’ adorable. Invented and patented by John, Landis Mason back in 1858, hence the name, Mason jars were originally created to help with the preservation of food. Thanks to their durability …
Crazy Dough For Everything
Crazy Dough For Everything The idea behind is that you can make a nice-sized batch and store it in the refrigerator for about a week. During that time, you simply pull off a chunk to use however you want. What You Will Need: milk sugar fresh yeast all-purpose flour baking powder salt plain yogurt eggs …
12 Alternative Ways To Use Dish Soap
12 Alternative Ways To Use Dish Soap There’s always the need for specialty cleaning products – but most jobs can also be tackled with really basic ingredients – like baking soda, vinegar, rubbing alcohol – and one of my personal favorites – dish soap – or dishing liquid – or washing-up liquid – or whatever …