Category: Self Sufficiency

Make 5 Foods with 5 Ingredients (from Scratch!)

Make 5 Foods with 5 Ingredients (from Scratch!) While it’s always fun to get in the kitchen and whip up some homemade food, it can be daunting when the ingredient list looks five miles long! You may wonder if it’s possible to make flavorful food without using every spice in your spice rack. The answer …

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6 Genius Uses for Tea Bags

6 Genius Uses for Tea Bags You’re still throwing out used tea bags? I can assure you that after reading this you will not throw away a single used tea bag again. Most of us know the healing properties of tea, but not many know that previously used tea bags can be useful in many …

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27 Tips From A Master Gardener

27 Tips From A Master Gardener An inexperienced gardener enjoys any advice to make the journey of learning easier. This fabulous collection of 27 tips will help your garden grow and will give you wonderful ideas to put into practice making your garden flourish! Gardening at home may not seem like a difficult task, yet …

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Quick Tips: Car Deodorising Hack

Quick Tips: Car Deodorising Hack Do you buy those little tree-shaped air fresheners for your car? For most of us, we usually use dangling deodorizers just to keep everything fresh inside our car. But these don’t seem to last that long. As a result, we keep having to replace them every time. Who would have guessed I …

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Save Hundreds with These 7 Grocery Apps

Save Hundreds with These 7 Grocery Apps Have you been avoided major grocery store savings because you just don’t have the time or energy to drive around all Sunday pilfering left behind newspaper coupon circulars from local coffee shops? Extreme couponing used to be pretty time consuming, but now, as will all things, there are …

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