Category: Self Sufficiency

15 Tips for Organizing the Paper Clutter

15 Tips for Organizing the Paper Clutter Do you have piles and stacks of paper littering your desk, tables and countertops? You’re not alone. But you can develop a good system for getting rid of paper clutter for good. For the sake of your own sanity, and to open up more space in your home, …

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How To Clean Your Iron

How To Clean Your Iron I have a dirty little secret that lives in my laundry room. It’s my iron. And boy is it horrible. I have been searching for a good cleaning recipe and found this one from… Fortunately, cleaning the iron is no more difficult than cleaning most other small appliances. All it takes …

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Meal Planning Made Easy (Free Printable)

Meal Planning Made Easy (FREE Printable) There are many of us that find ourselves in situations in life where we feel just flat broke. Maybe someone in your family has lost a job. Maybe you have medical bills piling. Maybe you are working two minimum wage jobs and still feel like you can’t keep up. …

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14 Genius Ways To Recycle Used Coffee Grounds

14 Genius Ways To Recycle Used Coffee Grounds I am more a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but I know a lot of people who love their coffee! This is a great article who shares some great ideas to reuse coffee grounds, you will be amazed! You’ll never throw your away your used coffee …

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Boot Dryer Tutorial

Boot Dryer Tutorial Tired of Cold Feet? Dry Your Boots with this genius project! Wet boots can ruin a winter morning, so spare your toes by drying your boots like this (see above image!) You could spend something like $30, but where is the fun and saving money? Our top tip: Make sure you wring …

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