Category: Self Sufficiency

Find A Chicken Vet Near You

Find A Chicken Vet Near You The key is to inspect and handle your flock regularly. A lot of the skill in poultry keeping is husbandry by eye and touch, as chickens are extremely adept at disguising ailments. Often till it is too late. If you sense something isn’t quite right then check, double check …

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40 Tricks To Make Your Groceries Last Longer

40 Tricks To Make Your Groceries Last Longer If you love cooking but are tortured by the cruel, limited shelf life of fresh foods, these tips are for you. If you are tired of the frequent runs out to go to the grocery store to restock your supply of produce and other perishables? Groceries continue to …

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The Benefits Of Bentonite Clay

The Benefits Of Bentonite Clay Bentonite clay is one of the safest, easiest and least expensive detoxifying substances one could find. It is noninvasive and causes no harm when used correctly. These are some of the benefits most people experience from eating clay after two to four weeks of use: Well- regulated bowels. Relief from constipation …

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2-Ingredient Homemade Kitchen Cabinet Gunk Remover

2-Ingredient Homemade Kitchen Cabinet Gunk Remover When it comes to cleaning, you surely spend a lot of time working on the various areas of your kitchen. However, when you are cleaning this room, you likely do not put a lot of focus on your kitchen cabinets because most people just do not think about them. …

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20 Natural Painkillers in your Kitchen

20 Natural Painkillers in your Kitchen Just the other day I was newly amazed by the miracles of nature when I discovered a list of natural painkillers and cures consisting of everyday kitchen ingredients. Once again, the miracles of nature have astounded me and made me wonder if the modern world will tamper with everything …

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