Category: Self Sufficiency

100+ Simple Ideas To Recycle Old Windows

100+ Simple Ideas To Recycle Old Windows We love to reuse old items, especially ones that have so much life left in them after they have been done serving their original purpose. They are even more valuable when we reuse them. Either if they are with or without glass, old windows are frequent finds at …

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30 Creative And Crafty Ways To Repurpose Old Bed Sheets

30 Creative And Crafty Ways To Repurpose Old Bed Sheets Instead of throwing something away, it is time to reuse it, recycle it, and make it into something new. Old bed sheets may seem like they should be thrown away, but that is thinking inside the box. Instead of tossing them, put them to better …

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40 DIY Container Project Ideas to Completely Declutter Your Home

Declutter Your Home

40 DIY Container Project Ideas to Completely Declutter Your Home From old and raggedy clothing to scrap pieces of machinery, we all could stand to part with a few un-needed items in our homes. As dedicated DIYer’s and also as people who hate to waste, we can sometimes end up holding on to a variety …

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Creative and Fun Christmas Gift Ideas

Creative and Fun Christmas Gift Ideas We love to make gifts in our family and there are dozens of easy crafts and presents to make for all your friends and family right here! There are many benefits to make a Christmas gift by yourself. First, the materials are easy to get. You can use any materials …

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20 Clever Gardening Tips And Ideas

20 Clever Gardening Tips And Ideas Not everyone has green thumbs, I am one of those people. I have attempted to garden every year for about 6 years and every year I always mess up at some point. I take that as lessons learned and hope that one year I can have a successful food …

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