Category: Self Sufficiency

PVC Chicken Feeder

PVC Chicken Feeder After looking at several PVC feeders I though I would share this one with you! You want a lot from your chicken feeder: it has to be easy to fill, hard to spill, safe from non-chicken life forms, weather resistant, easy to make, and inexpensive. Check this one out! Items you may need …

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How To Grow Tomatoes in a Bucket

How To Grow Tomatoes in a Bucket Short on growing space but still yearn for homegrown tomatoes and peppers? Is your garden located on a balcony or terrace and you’re afraid you can’t savor the taste of vine ripened tomatoes or experience the heat of your favorite variety of pepper? Well you can, and all …

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How To Install In-Floor Heating

How To Install In-Floor Heating In-floor heating can add a comforting touch to tiled areas that naturally chill the feet. In-floor heating can warm your toes and the entire room in an energy-efficient way. Ever want to have in floor heating, but afraid of what paying someone else would cost you? Now you can do …

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Health Hacks for Moms

Health Hacks for Moms Most women today, especially moms, have a seemingly endless list of things to do. Add to the mix a healthy dose of “mommy brain” (I’m not the only one, right?) and it’s easy to get sidetracked. You’ve heard of life hacks? Introducing health hacks … ways to make your life that …

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Free Laundry Cheat Sheet Download

Free Laundry Cheat Sheet Download Washing your clothes with modern machines can sometimes be a difficult task. The many options and settings were designed to make life easier, but they can actually become overwhelming, especially for younger members of your home. If you can learn how to speak the language of your clothing tags, you’ll be …

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