Category: Self Sufficiency

How To Have A Successful Yard Sale! + Printable Checklist

How To Have A Successful Yard Sale! + Printable Checklist Having a garage sale takes work and can be extremely frustrating if you don’t know what you’re doing. To avoid any headaches and to streamline the process, follow a plan from beginning to end. A well-planned garage sale often means a more successful one, which …

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Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner

Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner Here are several different recipes for mixing up your own cleaners for hardwood flooring, just a few simple ingredients are all that’s needed. Aside from the fact that this is a dirt-cheap cleaner, I love that this cleaner does not leave a residue on my floor.  So many of the others that …

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The 4 Best Methods For Long Term Food Storage

The 4 Best Methods For Long Term Food Storage Want to learn how to begin storing your own food at home? Angela, over at, has put together this comprehensive guide of the four best methods for long term food storage, so you can be prepared for any natural disaster or emergency that comes your way! …

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Awesome Ideas to Repurpose Old Stuff

Awesome Ideas to Repurpose Old Stuff Every year, when spring cleaning comes around, many of us gather up our old used stuff and simply throw it out. Sometimes, trash is simply trash, but we often fail to realize that a lot of the things that we throw out can be transformed into something else that’s …

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33 Clever Ways To Refashion Your Clothes

33 Clever Ways To Refashion Your Clothes Do you want to start saving for clothes? But you do not know how to do it! Your old clothes quickly you get bored, and every year you want to replace your wardrobe to new fashion screams … You can modify the old duds to a whole new …

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