5 Reasons To Ditch Your Deodorant There are some care products that we all have been using for years and years without question. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste… and deodorant. We all just assume that once we hit a certain age then deodorant becomes a basic part of our lives… but should it? Many conventional deodorants contain harmful …
Category: Self Sufficiency
21 Vegetables For Your Fall Garden
21 Vegetables For Your Fall Garden With the main gardening season coming to an end, it’s time to start thinking about your fall / winter garden. There are still plenty of vegetables that will grow well into the fall / winter. Micro greens do especially well in the fall. They are packed to the brim with …
12 Months Of No Processed Foods – Crock Pot Recipes
12 Months Of No Processed Foods – Crock Pot Recipes Eating no processed foods is paramount to living a healthy life. Don’t be alarmed if you see that some of these recipes call for what we call “minimally processed foods”, for example, ketchup, canned vegetables, etc These are minimally processed foods but can also be …
15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know
15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know There is something so empowering about learning how to do something new with your hands. Or mastering a skill that, at an earlier point in your lie, would have seemed completely foreign. If you have managed to get away from the madness of urban life and build your own homestead …
21 Non-Toxic Coconut Oil Skin Care Recipes
21 Non-Toxic Coconut Oil Skin Care Recipes Coconut oil is one of my favorite skincare products, probably because my skin just seems to love it. My face in particular is incredibly picky about what I put on it, but it gets along just fine with coconut oil. This article from deliciousobsessions.com focuses on skin care products …