Category: Self Sufficiency

Growing Grains in a Small Garden

Growing Grains in a Small Garden Raising grains such as wheat, spelt, oats, rice, buckwheat, barley, millet, and rye in your backyard doesn’t require any special machinery, and you may be surprised at how little space it takes to grow a substantial supply of homegrown grains. If you’re deep into gardening and self-sufficiency, sooner or …

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Tinting Your Home Windows For Maximum Energy Savings

Tinting Your Home Windows For Maximum Energy Savings Saving energy around the home can be done in many ways. One of the biggest ways energy is used in the home is from the heating and air conditioning system. If you can prevent the loss of heat during winter and the loss of cool air in …

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Easiest Monthly Meal Plan

Easiest Monthly Meal Plan There are many of us that find ourselves in situations in life where we feel just flat broke. Maybe someone in your family has lost a job.  Maybe you have medical bills piling.  Maybe you are working two minimum wage jobs and still feel like you can’t keep up.  Maybe you …

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75 Frugal Hacks for Your Home

75 Frugal Hacks for Your Home When it comes to frugal tips, there are some old tricks that have been practiced for a long time. For instance, one of the many uses for baking soda is as a cleaning substitute to wash your countertops. Or, to give new life to your grungy sponges, you simply pop …

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DIY Bathtub Repair

DIY Bathtub Repair These days the costs to refurbish or remodel a bathroom are dizzying. Old bathtubs become hard to clean and show stains soon after cleaning due to the worn out porcelain surface.  In lieu of removing a tub, damaging the tile and replacing it with a cheap new steel tub, many homeowners are choosing DIY …

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