Category: Up-cycle & Recycle

Water Bottle Wind Spirals For Kids

Water Bottle Wind Spirals For Kids I love that these particular wind spirals were made using recyclables and craft items that can be on hand.  We love crafting with stuff we already have around the house, don’t you?  Grab a plastic bottle, and hit the craft cupboards!  It’s time to gather your supplies! You Will …

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14 Prepper Items To Look For At Garage Sales

14 Prepper Items To Look For At Garage Sales One of the most frustrating things about prepping is the cost. There are so many great survival supplies and gadgets out there, but to get everything you want would cost a fortune. If you want to save money, do yourself a favor and go check out …

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DIY Storage & Display For Hot Wheels Cars

DIY Storage & Display For Hot Wheels Cars This one goes out to all those moms out there with little boys who are obsessed with Matchbox cars. Have you had enough of stepping on these little metal cars in the middle of the night? Screaming profanities and cursing at yourself for buying so many of …

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11 Secrets to Save Money on the Homestead

11 Secrets to Save Money on the Homestead The key to save money on the homestead is to limit unnecessary spending. This means finding ways to use what you already have and not going out and buying an item that is brand new. You can easily save a few bucks by learning the best methods …

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100+ Patriotic Crafts and Activities

100+ Patriotic Crafts and Activities Celebrate Memorial Day with your kids! Check out these activities, printables, and resources honoring those who have sacrificed their lives for America’s freedom. These kids crafts are perfect for the Fourth of July, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day and to honor the men and women who serve and protect us all. Flags, patriotic …

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