Category: Up-cycle & Recycle

10 Ingenious Ideas to Organize with Old Wooden Crates

10 Ingenious Ideas to Organize with Old Wooden Crates I love articles like this, I like the idea that you can up-cycle pretty much anything these days! Crates are my favorite, there are so many ideas and you can pick up a few of these for free if you look in the right places! The …

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37 Ideas for Handmade Valentines

37 Ideas for Handmade Valentines There’s something super sweet about handmade valentines. Some of my favorite memories from childhood involve sitting at the kitchen table (covered head to toe with glue and glitter!) making cards for my friends and family! These ideas are a fantastic alternative to store-bought valentines! They are festive, sweet, easy and …

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Composting 101: Things You Can and Can’t Compost

Composting 101: Things You Can and Can’t Compost Making compost isn’t difficult at all, and is well worth the effort because gardening is one endeavor where you can literally see the fruits of your labor! Taking care of a compost pile is extremely basic, but a wee bit of care makes a huge difference. Add …

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Word Rolls – How Words Are Put Together

Word Rolls – How Words Are Put Together It’s amazing what you can find on the internet these days but how can we help our children learn without all of this technology? Many children struggle with their spelling words and the repetition of writing the words over and over doesn’t seem to help. This leads many …

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Reuse: Darling Homemade Bookends

Reuse: Darling Homemade Bookends Old and loved stuffed animals are some of the most nostalgic items that we keep around from our childhoods. But who really needs a raggedy, floppy teddy or sock monkey wasting space in your closet? It’s time to make good use out of your old, furry friends, and this DIY craft …

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