Getting Your DIY Life Organized: How to set up a crafting corner Do you have aspirations to become a serious DIYer? Are you a creative type with an unfortunate tendency for cluttered spaces and disorganization? No matter what your passions or what your goals, the first step to a successful DIY life is getting yourself …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
Make Your Own Braided Rug
Make Your Own Braided Rug OMG, how awful is it when your feet touch a freezing floor first thing in the morning?! How much difference will a rug make to a room I hear you ask? ALOT! During wintertime, an extra layer of insulation on the floor can make a world of difference! Supplies Needed: A piece …
Dollar Store DIY
Dollar Store DIY One of my very favorite activities is going to the dollar store and thinking of things to make from the products there. It forces me to be thrifty, and to think outside of the box. There are so many neat ways that you can re-purpose things that you find at your local Dollar …
DIY Herb Mason Jars
DIY Herb Mason Jars Mason jar DIY has been exploding lately, and I love anything to do with a mason jar! The Mason jar indoor garden is ideal for herb gardens, and a favorite among urban centre dwellers who might not have space for an earthen garden of their own! Since these herbs are being …
15 Fabulous Pallet Projects for Your Kids’ Room
15 Fabulous Pallet Projects for Your Kids’ Room Bright and vivid colors – that is the first thought that comes into your mind when you think of how to decorate your child’s bedroom. You could opt for making a lot of things yourself, this way you spend little money, for example – using pallets! All …