Storage Solutions All Around the House How many storage posts have we done? We can’t do too many though can we! I love looking for ideas and everyone’s taste is different! It doesn’t matter if you live in a small home, if you have a home full of children, or you just like things to …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
25 Fabulous Uses for Leftover Lemon Peels
25 Fabulous Uses for Leftover Lemon Peels Clean Sinks and Bathtubs Lemon Facials for Toning and Skin Brightening Deter cats And MORE! Can you believe that someone has gathered a whole 25 uses for your left over lemon peels?! So when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade? But what about making things like natural …
20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose
20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose The annoying thing about pantyhose? They snag and tear very easily. The amazing thing about pantyhose? They have about a gazillion practical uses even if you can no longer wear them! Did you know pantyhose could be re-purposed for so many practical things? Nope, me neither! From straining your …
50+ Creative Clothespin Crafts
50+ Creative Clothespin Crafts Wooden clothes pegs have a variety of other crafty uses, not only for hanging out your washing!! They can be used for a variety of cute and creative stuff, such as fairies, road signs, butterflies, dolls and even learning games! Most of these wooden pegs crafts are cheap and easy to …
37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive
37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive I came across an article over at by Peggy Wang that talks about getting inexpensive furniture and doing a few quick things to make it look far more expensive. There are so many ways you can ‘hack’ your Ikea purchases and if you want to …