Category: Up-cycle & Recycle

DIY Glow In The Dark Planters

DIY Glow In The Dark Planters It’s seriously lame when I cannot find the original source of the image except someone else who just wrote about it like me here without providing the original link!! There are tons of photos going around social media about Glow In The Dark Planters. I just had to try to …

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Wall Hung Test Tube Vase Tutorial

Wall Hung Test Tube Vase Tutorial Flowers are extremely popular decorations and they’re appreciated for their freshness and delicacy. People put them in vases and admire them but when they lose their freshness they get replaced. This means you have little time to enjoy the flowers and you have to make it count. Unfortunately, not everyone …

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18 Ways To Hack IKEA Spice Racks

18 Ways To Hack IKEA Spice Racks Here we have some really creative ways in which you can repurpose your IKEA spice rack, there are so many ideas you will be amazed! From spice racks to pot racks to pantry hacks, we cover them all in this roundup. Some cost nothing whereas other might set you …

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How to Re-Purpose Plastic Bottles Ideas

How to Re-Purpose Plastic Bottles Ideas DIY recycling projects are always cool, especially when you can turn your trash into something new and useful.It turns out there’s so much that you can do with recycle plastic bottles that they deserved their own post! The PET plastic that most plastic beverage bottles are made of is a …

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How To Make A Wine Barrel Dog Bed

How To Make A Wine Barrel Dog Bed A wine barrel dog bed… I had to check this article out and then I just had to share this with you guys! Add a rounded pillow and you’ve got yourself your own DIY dog bed for the cost of an empty wine barrel (yields two fully functioning …

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