Category: Up-cycle & Recycle

29 Cool Recycled Pallet Projects

29 Cool Recycled Pallet Projects I get a real kick out of re-purposed wooden pallet projects.  People have come up with some awesome ways to recycle and reuse wooden shipping pallets and it’s pretty darn inspiring.  As a parent, I want to try to save as much as I can for my children and do …

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36 Ways to Cover up Those Household Eyesores

36 Ways to Cover up Those Household Eyesores Those pesky wires, thermostats, plug sockets, vents, bins the list of eyesores in every home just keeps on going…. With these ingenious solutions you can hide everything unsightly in your home whilst still being able to get to them whenever they are needed. It takes no time …

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Self-Filling Pet Water Bowl

Self-Filling Pet Water Bowl Keeping your pet’s water dish full can be a chore (especially if your pet is the large, thirsty kind). Commercial auto-waters are expensive and don’t supply the freshest water.You’ll never have to worry about your dog (or cat) waking you up because they’re thirsty! With this self-watering pet bowl you can rest …

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8 Colorful Pallet-Inspired Furniture Ideas!

8 Colorful Pallet-Inspired Furniture Ideas! So what can one do with used pallets? Actually if you possess a creative mind and a proactive spirit there are a number of things you can do. Recycled wooden pallets often prove to stronger and stiffer because the wood is seasoned already and can be stronger than boards used for …

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Tug Boat Craft

Tug Boat Craft Awesome boat craft recycling old margarine tubs and toilet roll middles! This activity is for both boys and girls, such a fun and rewarding craft to make as it’s a self propelled boat! How cool is that! There is also a video to show you how it works…. If you fancy a …

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