How to Grow Strawberries in Rain Gutters Growing strawberries is easy, but it is more convenient when you can do so in space-saving rain gutter planters! Not to mention, the flavor of home-grown strawberries can never compare to store-bought strawberries! Strawberries are delicious and as far as food goes they are one of the easiest …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
23 Awesome DIY Industrial Furniture Designs
23 Awesome DIY Industrial Furniture Designs Industrial style is very popular these days. Also the industrial furniture can be very cool and chic. Metal and wood are two common industrial furniture materials. Since these supplies are versatile, it goes without saying that industrial pieces blend well with a variety of design styles, from the rustic …
35 Cheap And Easy DIY Compost Bins That You Can Build This Weekend
35 Cheap And Easy DIY Compost Bins That You Can Build This Weekend You can compost at home with one of many commercially available compost bins, but making your own compost bin is really easy. Depending on the type of compost bin you choose you can build a compost bin in a matter of minutes-for little …
Awesome DIY Bird Houses for A Garden
Awesome DIY Bird Houses for A Garden With the arrival of spring, it means lots of birds will be migrating back! YAY! I want to be prepared for their arrival and by greeting them with gorgeous bird feeders. To get in the groove for spring gardening, i am sharing ideas to make birdhouses! There are beautiful …