DIY Window Privacy Frame First of all, there is no law stating that you have to cover your windows. But if your view is less than enchanting or you just need privacy, there are options beyond curtains or dull blinds. Seriously, how easy is this project? Something so simple can look so elegant! I love this …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
Ombre Patriotic Doormat
Ombre Patriotic Doormat If y’all are anything like me then you’ve pinned hundreds of ideas and only made one or two of them. I am slowly working on transforming my front porch into actual porch and am in need of a welcome mat. Now, I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but there …
DIY Tin Can Grill
DIY Tin Can Grill Here is a fantastic idea for making your own DIY portable BBQ – make a tin can grill! Doesn’t it look fabulous! I know that the husband would be super excited about this tin can craft and it would be perfect for our upcoming camping trip. The nice thing about this …
How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle
How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle Mice can be annoying pests, and there are many ways to take care of the little rodents using inhumane methods, but it can be hard to get rid of them if you don’t want to hurt them. Thankfully I don’t have a …
10 Colorful Garden Crafts to Make from Old Tires
10 Colorful Garden Crafts to Make from Old Tires Unfortunately, more than 290 million tires are dumped or tossed into landfills each year in North America alone. If only more people completed brilliant recycling projects like these! Whether you have one or one hundred tires, there is always something that you can make with them …