Free Hot Water from Compost Wheelie Bin There you were thinking that compost is good for one thing and one thing alone, which is providing organic nutrients to your plants. Today I will introduce you to the DIY compost wheelie bin hot water heater. Now you will be able to get free hot water from …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
How To Sew Sock Owl
How To Sew Sock Owl The sock monkey has become a fun craft project for parents and children to do together. I think a night creature would suit these up-coming gloomy dark days perfectly! Tools: 1. Sewing machine (optional, you can hand-sew without machine) 2. Sewing needle (prefer long, about 2″) and pins 3. Erasable …
10 Textured Wallpaper Projects
10 Textured Wallpaper Projects I have had a love affair with textured wallpaper for many years now. This kind of wallpaper comes in a variety of unique thick textures and patterns and once primed, you can give it virtually any paint treatment under the sun. Wallpaper may seem like a thing of the past, but trust …
30 Important Ways a Plastic Bag Can Save Your Life
30 Important Ways a Plastic Bag Can Save Your Life Although recycling can help reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, waterways and ecosystems, only a few types of plastics can be recycled by most municipal governments. So what can you do? Ever thought to put some away for a rainy day? …
How To Build A Potting Bench With Reclaimed Wood
How To Build A Potting Bench With Reclaimed Wood How beautiful is this?! You really don`t need to spend a lot of money on buying a potting table, or potting bench. You can do it by yourself – it’s fast, easy and inexpensive! You can have everything organized in one location including bags of potting soil, …