DIY Glass Crafts – Tinted Jars I love how pretty tinted vintage jars are, but they aren’t cheap. seriously. And the DIY’s that I’ve seen that turn regular jars into colored ones, are only a temporary fix. So I went on a quest to find a solution to tint my fave glass jars to lovely …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
DIY Gel Air Freshener
DIY Gel Air Freshener For parents with little kids, having flaming candles around is just asking for trouble. I love how candles look and smell, but I don’t like how they attract curious little hands. Enter the gel air freshener! (Of course, if your kids are little, you’ll definitely want to put the air fresheners up …
Turn Old Bottles into Picture Frames
Turn Old Bottles into Picture Frames Have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest? That’s where I found this cool little tutorial that doesn’t require a kiln or a torch…that means anyone can do it. By following a few simple steps, you can turn an old bottle into a nice picture frame. TOOLS hot-glue gun …
Wood Pallet Bookshelf Tutorial
Wood Pallet Bookshelf Tutorial Reading material such as; text books, novels, magazines, newspapers and some periodicals. These all things require a proper place to live, otherwise the room will present a very untidy look! I have wanted to make shelves from old pallets for a long time, so this is the perfect opportunity. I’ve seen …
Sparkle Ball Decorations From Plastic Cups
Sparkle Ball Decorations From Plastic Cups Sparkle balls are lighted holiday decorations you can make quickly and economically at home! What you will need: Tumbler-style plastic cups (recycled clean cups works perfect) A hole-puncher A drill with 1/2″ bit A string of mini-lights Small zip-ties Want to make cool DIY decorating without cost you much? These …