How To Make A Rag Rug From Old T-Shirts I love making projects that involve decluttering and upcycling! You only need a few simple tools and materials to make rag rug: old t-shirts, hula hoop or cardboard, scissors, optional but very helpful: rotary cutter and a cutting mat to use with it! Also, make sure you choose colors …
Category: Up-cycle & Recycle
DIY Moroccan Style Mason Jars
DIY Moroccan Style Mason Jars I saw this really easy idea for DIY Moroccan lanterns and thought this would be a great idea for our Moroccan Party Theme night next weekend! If you’re a crafter you probably already have these thing lying around right now! Materials: old glass jars (spaghetti jars, jam jars or any plain …
15 Methods To Turn Wine Crates Into Something Else
15 Methods To Turn Wine Crates Into Something Else Wooden crates are a cheap, and sometimes even free, craft supply that you can get from an art, grocery, or hardware store. Since they’re made from unfinished wood, they are easy to paint or attach together. As it turns out, the list is wide open and …
18 Useful Ways to Reuse Toilet Paper Rolls
18 Useful Ways to Reuse Toilet Paper Rolls There are few items that nearly everyone will have in their home. I think it’s safe to assume that the majority of homes in American have toilet paper in their home! Which means, there are plenty of paper rolls being thrown out daily! I am guilty of hoarding a …
15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know
15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know There is something so empowering about learning how to do something new with your hands. Or mastering a skill that, at an earlier point in your lie, would have seemed completely foreign. If you have managed to get away from the madness of urban life and build your own homestead …