Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car

Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car

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We spend a lot of time in our cars. So, it makes sense that everyone should have some kind of survival kit with them right? I really do hate putting a lot of money into something I probably won’t use, but on the flip side I want to have stuff good enough in case TSHTF and I really DO need to use the kit! You just never know when you will need it! 

You should have a first aid kit as well as the basic tools that come with the car. It would also be a good idea to have some drinking water in store. A wool blanket will be very useful in extreme weather. Make sure you scroll down and view the comments on this article, they really are worth reading! Some great ideas all round here, click the link below to make your own coffee can survival kit for your car now….

Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car