Common Migraine Triggers and How To Avoid Them

Common Migraine Triggers and How To Avoid Them

photo credit to buzzle

photo credit to buzzle

A migraine is a severe, painful headache that is often preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs such as flashes of light, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. The excruciating pain that migraines bring can last for hours or even days. People with frequent or severe migraine attacks can sometimes help prevent migraines if they:

  • Adopt lifestyle changes
  • Avoid migraine triggers
  • Use preventive medications or devices

Be aware that even with the best of prevention plans, it’s likely that you won’t be able to get rid of every single migraine. The point of identifying your triggers is to be able to avoid them when you can. Every migraine you prevent makes all of the work worth it!

If you decide to go to the ER do not drive there, get someone else to take you. The signs and symptoms of migraine can sometimes be confused with those of a stroke. Go straight to hospital if:

  • Your headache is very severe
  • You have problems with movement, balance, vision or speech, and these symptoms are different or new from those you have experienced before with your migraines
  • You have a fever with your headache
  • You have a stiff neck with your headache
  • “The headache starts suddenly like a thunderclap”, especially if you are at least 50 years of age.

Hop over to, Emry Trantham has created an awesome article for you with lots of tips and advice! If you are struggling with your migraines, it’s worth the read! Click the link below….

Common Migraine Triggers and How To Avoid Them