DIY Bathtub Repair

DIY Bathtub Repair

photo credit: somedayilllearn

photo credit: somedayilllearn

These days the costs to refurbish or remodel a bathroom are dizzying. Old bathtubs become hard to clean and show stains soon after cleaning due to the worn out porcelain surface.  In lieu of removing a tub, damaging the tile and replacing it with a cheap new steel tub, many homeowners are choosing DIY bathtub refinishing to refinish their bathtub themselves! 

For the overnight bathtub repair you will need:

  • Zep PowerFoam Tub, and Tile Cleaner
  • Masking tape
  • White superfine two-part Milliput self-hardening putty
  • Razor blade or putty knife
  • Wet/dry sandpaper in a variety of 600 to 1500 grit
  • Sheffield Porcelain Touch-Up Paint

You really do not need many tools to refinish a bathtub.  Some tools, such as an orbital sander, can be skipped by manually hand sanding. For the full tutorial please visit via the link below:

DIY Bathtub Repair