DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap

DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap

During the warm months, my mission is simple: avoid bug bites whenever possible!! They LOVE me!! When I was a kid, my mom sprayed liberal quantities of OFF bug repellent all over me and it was greasy and smelled gross!! This year we have so many flies hanging around, YUK! They make me physically sick! To fight back against the pests, vegetable-eating insects, and biting bugs on your homestead (or backyard)! There are two elements to each design. The housing, where the insects become trapped, and the bait, the substance that attracts them in.

While most large traps allow the flies to still lay their eggs, so you have to deal with the maggots, this one dries out the flies so you just empty the dry carcasses as needed. These pests can carry and spread diseases that can do serious damage to your animals. Unfortunately, controlling large numbers of flies can be much more difficult than you might think. Try out this heavy duty fly trap, I don’t think you will disappointed! Click the link below to find out more…

DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap