DIY Memory Box – Saving Our Memories

DIY Memory Box – Saving Our Memories

Alan via Flickr

Alan via Flickr

Keeping track of those little moments, when you’re a family, is priceless! I have all different kinds of memory boxes – I find some work better than others but this one I have found to be the best! I love this box because it literally takes less than a minute to scribble down a memory, a funny quote or an exciting announcement from our day on the card. I keep our box with the cards in the kitchen, this is where I see it when I am making a milky drink before bed!


  • 365 index cards
  • card stock
  • washi tape
  • decorative stickers (0ptional)
  • box
  • Zink hAppy Wireless Smart App Printer (optional)

Lastly, I love that this moves from year-to-year with our family. I can’t wait to get a full-year into writing down these daily memories and look back to see what we were doing last year as a family! Check out how to make your own via the link below!

DIY Memory Box – Saving Our Memories