DIY Moisturizing Remedies For Dry Itchy Scalp And Dandruff

DIY Moisturizing Remedies

For Dry Itchy Scalp And Dandruff

Image: beautyklove

Image: beautyklove

The scalp contains sebum (sebaceous glands) which helps to moisturize your hair and scalp. However the amount you produce can vary depending on different factors. When the scalp looses this moisture, it becomes dry, white and flaky. Several causes of this could be: stress, environmental factors (cold weather, pollution), diet, chemical based hair products, hot water etc. and can be the cause of symptoms such as: dandruff, head lice, itchy scalp and hair loss.

Your scalp may also react to some products like a shampoo or other things that you use on your hair. If your diet lacks vitamins B and D as well as good fats and zinc, then also you may suffer from itchy scalp. The golden rule: You can’t cure anything if you don’t find the cause of it. A dermatologist can also determine the cause of your dandruff and suggest the best over-the-counter treatment for long-term management. They can also prescribe other anti-fungal treatments if he determines your dandruff is being caused by fungus. Check out the video via the link below for more information….

DIY Moisturizing Remedies For Dry Itchy Scalp And Dandruff