DIY Multi-Colored Solar Lights in Jars Tutorial

DIY Multi-Colored Solar Lights in Jars Tutorial

photo credit to putitinajar

photo credit to putitinajar

I love solar light projects!! These multi-colored solar lights in a jar are really neat, environmentally friendly and won’t break the bank (won’t need to be plugged into the mains). If there’s any light at all during the day, the battery will charge and you’ll be able to enjoy a light show at dusk You can make them into whichever color you want, and they make for a wonderfully original light inside or a fun light out on the deck. They are easy to make so you could even have a few for a fun mix of colors!!

This article includes a materials list and very clear instructions. What I like about almost any solar light project is that you can also use them in the winter. Click on the link below to see the tutorial from

Note: “If you intend on frosting your jar (with glass-frosting spray paint), and you definitely should if you want the same kind of glow as seen in the photos, be sure not to frost the lid where the solar cell is going to be, or your cell won’t be able to charge.”

DIY Multi-Colored Solar Lights in Jars Tutorial