DIY: Natural Sleep Spray

DIY: Natural Sleep Spray

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This is yet another natural way to help you get to sleep faster and experience more peaceful, restful sleep. If you suffer from insomnia then this is great for you, or if it just takes you a while to fall asleep then this will work, too.


  • Lavender Can have a calming effect, works as an anti depressant, fights headaches
  • Clary Sage Can relieve stress, help balance hormones, fights insomnia
  • Bergamot Can help relieve anxiety & balance your emotions
  • Roman Chamomile Can calm your stomach & nerves-especially effective in children
  • Frankincense Can promote calmness, relaxation & deep breathing

. You should look for 100% pure essential oils (and avoid anything that’s labelled as a “fragrance” or “perfume” oil). Click the link below to get this homemade natural sleep spray….

DIY: Natural Sleep Spray