DIY Spiderman Candy Apples

DIY Spiderman Candy Apples

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Candy apples are whole apples covered in a hard sugar candy coating with a stick inserted as a handle. They are common sweet treats during holidays such as Halloween and Christmas…. But what about these candle apples? Spiderman! Here is a fun DIY tutorial to show you how to make spiderman candy apples using marshmallows and some black icing. This is a perfect activity to let kids get involved with and just be creative!

These are not just for Christmas and Halloween, what about birthday parties? Super spiderman fans will absolutely love these at there birthday party! I have to admit, I’m not much of a candy person – I just think of rotting teeth, so remember to be sensible of how many your kids actually have! Enjoy making these awesome spiderman candy apples… Click the link below….

DIY Spiderman Candy Apples