DIY Sunburn Relief Spray

DIY Sunburn Relief Spray

Kelly Sue DeConnick via Flickr

Kelly Sue DeConnick via Flickr

I can not stress enough how dangerous the sun is! Not only the sun but the heat too. My skin is of the “burn-peel-still-white-underneath-repeat” variety. Even with regular sunscreen applications, everyone in our house will likely suffer a few sunburns over the course of the summer. But please try and stay covered, especially children who NEED YOU to re-enforce this! When it comes to decreasing your chances of getting a sunburn, it’s all about what you do to protect your skin.

This is what you will need: A small spray bottle, quart jar, aloe juice, apple cider vinegar, plantain tea, lavender essential oil and frankincense essential oil. To check out the full directions, please visit Jessica’s wonderful blog – click here:

DIY Sunburn Relief Spray