DIY Survival: 15 Clever Kits, Tricks & Hacks

DIY Survival: 15 Clever Kits, Tricks & Hacks

photo credit to webecoist.momtastic

photo credit to webecoist.momtastic

An emergency kit isn’t always for a major disaster. An accident bag should be in every vehicle because the unexpected can happen at any time to anyone. Say you get lost on a hike, or get caught up in a storm, your vehicle may break down in the middle of nowhere… This is where you survival kit comes in! A small inexpensive preparedness kit could actually save your life and certainly make the emergency a lot more comfortable for you.

This article from gives you 15 clever tricks and hacks, from all-in-one survival packs to simple solar stills that convert air condensation into drinkable water. Even if your a long time prepper or not a prepper at all these simple kits, tricks and hacks are worth taking a look at. See at the link below….

DIY Survival: 15 Clever Kits, Tricks & Hacks