DIY Transformation: Sleeveless Trench Coat

DIY Transformation: Sleeveless Trench Coat

photo credit: honestlywtf

photo credit: honestlywtf

Springtime slowly is slowly approaching which means it’s almost that time to clean out our wardrobes and make those hard decisions on what to keep, what to give away, and what to transform. Here is a lovely idea for your old and tried trench coats that still have some life to live. All you need is a sewing machine, a seam ripper, and an old handy coat (which you can also find at your local rummage store).

This simple and cute project can be completed in just a short afternoon, so it’s a great project to choose for a rainy day. And when you are done, you’ll have a great new sleeveless trench coat to sport and protect you from the sprinkles. Quick, easy, and cute, this up-cycle project will round out your old, tired wardrobe and have you feeling great.

Just follow the step-by-step instructions which are also accompanied by pictures to lead you on your way. If you are a veteran sewer, this project will be a cinch. If you are a novice, it also makes a great project to expand your skills.

DIY Transformation: Sleeveless Trench Coat