Easy to Hang Wall Gallery

Easy to Hang Wall Gallery

photo credit to harvardhomemaker

photo credit to harvardhomemaker

Christy (HH) decided to create a template on the wall because she was going to hang so many canvases at the same time, and really wanted things to line up just right. She has seen this idea on other blogs and websites, but this was the first time she had tried it herself. Christy explains how easy is was to hang everything correctly the first time! It took little effort and it was so worth it when it came to hang the canvases, and it took her less than 10 minutes to achieve! Get some more pointers below…..

  • Mixing the same medium is usually easiest–photographs, black and white prints, colorful artwork etc.
  • The pieces can either be the same size or varied.
  • It is usually best to frame and mat everything the same. If you want to mix it up, just be sure to keep it balanced.
  • If you don’t want to spend a fortune on frames, go to your local flea market and pick some up. If they don’t match, simply paint them a uniform color.
  • You don’t have to spend a fortune to fill the frames either. You can use scraps of leftover wallpaper, old photos, pages from a vintage book or even leave them empty. Or use your favorite personal photos–it’s a great way to add a touch of warmth and personality to your space.

Check out harvardhomemaker.com and see how Christy (HH) hung her wall gallery with ease! Click the link below…

Easy to Hang Wall Gallery