Everything You Need To Know About Piping Tips

Everything You Need To Know About Piping Tips

Image: gygi.com

Image: gygi.com

I’ve only just started using piping bags and proper nozzles when frosting cupcakes, in order to achieve that perfect bakery-style cupcake swirl. When I first started out, I was a little unsure what nozzle was the best to achieve the perfect swirl and also what effects the various other nozzles on the market produced. If you want to achieve beautiful lines, swoops, filigree, pearls, shells, leaves, string-work, or any other type of piping technique, it’s going to take a lot of practice to get everything even and consistent. The first (and super-duper important!) step to achieving professional-looking cupcakes is to master the art of frosting them.

What are your personal favorite piping tips? Do you have a certain technique that you absolutely love? Feel free to share your thoughts in our Facebook comments. So here are a few tips that can get you started on your way to lovely piping! Hit the link below to begin!

Everything You Need To Know About Piping Tips