Extraordinary Secret Doorways And Hidden Room Ideas

Extraordinary Secret Doorways

And Hidden Room Ideas

IMG_7504.jpgAs a kid I remember being completely determined to find a secret passageway in my house. I searched high and low for years, but who would have thought the one-story house I grew up in didn’t have a hidden bunker full of treasures? These Extraordinary Secret Doorways And Hidden Room Ideas are built into homes and are absolutely incredible, totally hidden to the naked eye. I have seen a wardrobe that opens to a Narnia-like playroom, and a lifting staircase which conceals another staircase to a lower level!

It doesn’t matter how old you get; you never outgrow wanting to have a secret passageway or hidden room in your house. Though most of us never get to realize those dreams, these houses are proof that some do have them and you can make them yourself! Click through the links below to see my awesome round-up of Extraordinary Secret Doorways And Hidden Room Ideas people have built in their homes…

57 Unbelievable secret doorways into hidden rooms

Shhh … It’s a Secret (Door, Room, Staircase)

Secret Rooms for Kids