Fall Gardening Checklist {Free Printable}

Fall Gardening Checklist {Free Printable}

Fall gives us many things to enjoy, but there are also important home maintenance items to squeeze into your busy schedule. Some of the tasks can save you thousands of dollars if you catch them early enough. Be sure to complete each task thoroughly so you don’t miss any potential issues.

Outdoor Tasks can include:

  • Put Away Outdoor Furniture
  • Inspect Chimney & Roof for Damages
  • Clean Downspouts & Gutters
  • Rake Leave & Dispose (it is strongly recommended to not burn leaves)
  • Cut Back Perennial Plants & Mulch
  • Remove & Drain Hoses; Store Inside
  • Close or Install Storm Windows
  • Test Snow Blower & Service if Needed

You and your fall garden benefit when you give your plants the same TLC in autumn as you do in spring and summer. Wildlife will find food and shelter, weeds will be easier to control, and plant diseases, as well as pests, will no longer drive you crazy. There are lots more you can do in your garden before winter hits… Check out these awesome hints and tips from empressofdirt.net – you also get a FREE printable. Click the link below for more information:

Fall Gardening Checklist {Free Printable}