Finishing your Fall Planting

Finishing your Fall Planting

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Fall is a good time to get in that garden and get planting things that you never got around to in the spring! No matter what style of gardening you practice, or what zone you are in, fall plantings give you the opportunity to expand your garden options.

Vegetables, trees and shrubs, there’s still time to tuck in many plants and get ready for next year. If you wait until spring to plant, your plants will have to tough-out a hot, dry summer without much of a root system to support them. Planting in fall allows plants to put down some roots and better tolerate the summer stress. 

Don’t forget to Keep pulling those weeds out, a little each day is a lot less overwhelming than if you leave it for a couple of weeks at a time! They grow so fast don’t they?!

Over at, Carole gives you some really good tips on finishing your fall garden and a link where you can purchase some heirloom seeds! Click the link below for this great guide to finishing your fall planting now….

Finishing your Fall Planting