French Breakfast Puffs

French Breakfast Puffs



First off, these beauties are not French; rather, they first appeared decades ago in a Betty Crocker cookbook. As for calling them puffs, well, I suppose they do puff up. But their texture is more muffin than cupcake, almost akin to a cake donut.

I can not think of a better time to share this recipe! This recipe calls for: unsalted butter, sugar, egg, flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and milk. For the topping: unsalted butter, sugar and cinnamon. The result is a flavorful muffin with a buttery-cinnamony-sugary-crusty-decadent outer layer and 750 more fat cells on your bottom. But who’s counting? Not me, that’s who. Here is the recipe, try for yourself. 

French Breakfast Puffs