Fruit-Infused Water To Help Detoxify And Slim Down

Fruit-Infused Water To Help Detoxify And Slim Down



Whether you’re trying to lose weight or you simply want to look and feel healthier, one of the best ways to rid your body of harmful toxins is to drink water. Just 6 to 8 glasses every day will help to keep you hydrated and keep your vital organs in their best possible health. Detox waters have become very popular and there are many different recipes that you can make. 

There are some specific fruits and veg that you can use for different things to cleanse each part of the body – that said, they are all very good for cleansing. Here’s why… Cucumbers and celery are natural diuretics. Beets are great for liver cleansing. Lemons, ginger and apples aid in cleansing the entire body. Cranberries are good for cleansing the bladder. Greens nourish our cells and clean them at the same time. Dandelion greens are especially good for cleaning the liver.

If you have been thinking about adding detox waters to your healthy routine we have the recipes for you. They are all very easy to make, require very few ingredients and the best part is you can mix and match ingredients to adapt the recipes to your personal taste. Check out the article below for more information…

Fruit-Infused Water To Help Detoxify And Slim Down