How to Get Rid of Mice With Cotton Balls & Vinegar

How to Get Rid of Mice With Cotton Balls & Vinegar

Image: Ignacio Lopez/Demand Media via eHow

Are you frustrated and just want to get rid of mice as soon as possible? Are you thinking – what are the best possible ways to get rid of mice? If yes, then here we have the best method to keep mice away from your home naturally.

Tip: Keep the areas around your house, barn and outbuildings clean to reduce or eliminate rodent hangouts, such as old appliances, trash lumber, junk vehicles, open garbage cans or dense thickets of weeds. Allow a margin of mowed open space between buildings and nesting sites, such as a woodpile.

One of the most serious problems of these creatures is that they reproduce surprisingly fast. Since mice have a deep aversion vinegar, get rid of them with cotton balls and vinegar before the problem gets worse.

How to Get Rid of Mice With Cotton Balls & Vinegar