Hair Fix: Bobby Pin Basics

Hair Fix: Bobby Pin Basics

photo credit to thesmallthingsblog

photo credit to thesmallthingsblog

Bobby pins are one of the most basic hair tools out there. They don’t involve harsh chemicals, tricky fasteners, or scalp-searing heat, yet they manage to keep hair in place—and they cost pennies per pin. But did you know there is a right way, and therefore a wrong way, to use a bobby pin? We all know the flat side of the bobby pin is longer than the wavy side. Apparently the wavy texture is designed to grip your hair in place and the flat side is meant to push it down and hold it in the grooves. Am I the only one that has been wearing bobby pins the wrong way her entire life? I mean really you could have said something!

Learning to use bobby pins may take a bit of practice, but as soon as you figure out how to work them with your hair texture, it should make hair styling a lot easier. Check out via the link below. Kate will show you a great video tutorial! Check out her other articles too!

Hair Fix: Bobby Pin Basics