Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches

Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches

Mislav Marohnić via Flickr

Mislav Marohnić via Flickr

A balm is a mixture of herbal infused oils, some form of wax and essential oils.  Balms tend to be more aromatic because the higher amount of EOs used for their healing properties releases a cloud of soothing vapors upon application. Peppermint – Cooling, analgesic, antispasmodic, anesthetic, decongestant, febrifuge, insecticide, stimulant – clears thinking – discourages fever – travel sickness – digestive, relaxes stomach muscles – pain relieving – discourages nausea – travel sickness – headache and migraine – toothache – muscle and joint pain – insect bites and other skin irritations including itching – repels vermin. Lavender – analgesic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antifungal, antispasmodic, antiviral, decongestant, sedative – headaches – eczema – burns and scalds – muscle pain – insect bites and stings – chest congestion – sunburn – diaper rash – acne – cramps – insomnia – lice and removing nits. Calendula or pot marigold – heals wounds – acne – varicose veins – inflammation – dry skin – vaginal yest infection – eczema – sunburn – scalds and burns – sore nipples from breast feeding – diaper rash

It makes sense to use aromatherapy remedies for headache because essential oils work on two levels:

1. The emotional level: The scent gives you a quick hit of sensory pleasure – a calming, happy escape from the moment.

2. The physical level: The essential oils are absorbed into your body, where they rebalance your nervous system and relax your muscles.


Also try a cold compress across the forehead or over the back of the neck, it cools the body down. Soaking in aromatic baths, and foot baths can dispel a tension headache as well sinus headaches and stuffiness. For more information on how to make your own balms, click the link below:

Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches