Holiday Sparkle – Glitter In 4 Ways

Holiday Sparkle – Glitter In 4 Ways

photo credit to thebeautydepartment

photo credit to thebeautydepartment

It’s that time of year when everything sparkles, and that even means your make-up too. Christmas party season is the perfect period to whip out that glitter eye shadow you’ve been contemplating all-year long. It’s a given that glitter is encouraged for holiday parties, but how do you apply it without entering  tinsel-tacky territory? Head over to this awesome article from where you will find the best tutorial I have seen for glitter eye shadow! 

In reality there’s a glitter eye to suit everyone, and right now is the perfect time to try it out. Click the link below and head over there now to find out how it’s done (the RIGHT way!)……

Holiday Sparkle – Glitter In 4 Ways