Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenails

Home Remedies To Get Rid

Of Ingrown Toenails

 ILAMETH via Wikimedia

ILAMETH via Wikimedia

Apologies! This picture is pretty gross – but it gets the point across of what an ingrown toenail would look like…. An ingrown toenail develops when the sides of the toenail grow into the surrounding skin. The big toe is often affected, either on one or both sides. The nail curls and pierces the skin, which becomes red, swollen and tender. Ingrown toe nail is a common problem seen in people who trim their toe nail too short at the edges. The ingrown toe nail can cause a lot of problems and can lead to some excessive pain and irritation. Preventing Ingrown Toenails – You need to take measures to prevent such problems taking place in the future.

  • Cut your toenails straight across.
  • Maintain good standards of foot hygiene.
  • Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly. Dry them properly.
  • Wear comfortable and well-fitting footwear.
  • Use a foot file or a pumice stone on a daily basis to avoid the formation of hard skin.
  • Wear clean socks every day.

See your GP or podiatrist (foot care specialist) if your ingrown toenail is badly inflamed, bleeding or has pus coming from it, because it may be infected. For more detailed information on how to use home remedies for your ingrown toenails, click the link below and visit healthyandnaturalworld.com.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenails